Home Новый зал «Сакской культуры»

Taldy-2 is the royal burial of Saks of the Saryarka.


The hall of «Sak culture» is located in the Karaganda Regional History and local lore Museum. The total area of the hall is 96 sq.m. The composition of the reconstruction of Sak chieftain in full growth in the gala appearance, horses, stone sculptures are shown in the central part of the hall.

Taldy-2 is the royal burial of Saks of the Saryarka.

Golden Man

Unique archaeological finds were discovered in the study of the early Iron Age burial of Taldy-2 in Karkaraly district of Karaganda region. The cemetery Taldy-2 is in 1.4 km away from the village of K. Amanzholov that is in 44 km from Karkaraly. Work on the archaeological study of the monument was begun in 2009 under the Regional program «Cultural Heritage» in the Karaganda region in 2008–2010. In 2009–2010, seven Sak royal burial mounds of the early Iron Age were investigated. Their height is from 2 to 3.5 m., diameter from 30 to 65 m. Research work was conducted under the direction of the candidate of historical sciences, archaeologist Beisenov A. Z. (Deputy Director on Science Institute of Archaeology named after A. H. Margulan KN RK).

The most important findings were made in mounds № 2 (diameter is 30 m., height is 2 m.) and № 5 (diameter is 65 m., height is 3.5 m.).

About 200 relatively large jewelries made in the famous Saka animal style, about 1800 gold flakes, over 21,000 small gold beads in the form of plaques and rings, as well as 14 bronze arrowheads, 150 stone pendants (necklaces) were found in two mounds. There are wonderful cast in X-shaped belt holder, holder of a square shape, a massive metal plate from its sheath the dagger, vorvorka of 3 types of pads with the competing heads of mountain goats, lining in the form of walking figures feline predator, coiled plate in the form of a ring of cat predator numerous pendants — rounded in the form of cereal grains and etc are among the products. In general, we can say conclusively that the person of higher social rank — the chiefs, the rulers of the Saks of Central Kazakhstan were buried in these mounds.

Many gold products are in the types of jewelry from the ceremonial dress of the Sak king.

Some things are typologically similar to the findings of the East Kazakhstan (Shilikty) and from other regions of the republic, but, above all, there is numerous direct analogies in the materials of Arzhan-2 in Tuva.

By the found items the Taldy mounds are dated as VII–VI centuries BC.
There are above all unique research materials. The new discovery makes it possible to undertake further research in promising areas of Saks culture of Kazakhstan and Central Asia.

Among other things the new findings become obvious that the world of the ancient Sak of Kazakhstan and the Sayan-Altai is characterized by closer ties than hitherto imagined. It can be seen there was a single historical and cultural stratum from Kazakhstan to Tuva. The study of composing this phenomenon is relevant. It is extremely important to work to find metals and jewelry centers (probably common to many regions), where jewelers prepared ceremonial costumes of rulers and nobles.

The finds were a significant event in the history of the study of Saks of Kazakhstan. Scientists of the world appreciated the scientific value of these discoveries. At this time, work of further studying the monuments of early Iron Age in Central Kazakhstan is still continuing on.



Новый зал "Сакской культуры"

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